Od 2020
Autorzy/redaktorzy |
Tytuł publikacji |
Nazwa czasopisma / monografii / konferencji |
Rok |
Krzysztof Wróbel, Mateusz Gil, ChongJu Chae |
On the influence of human factors on safety of remotely-controlled merchant vessels |
Applied Sciences |
2021 |
Tomasz Neumann |
Comparative analysis of long-distance transportation with the example of sea and rail transport |
Energies |
2021 |
Adam Kaizer, Tomasz Neumann |
The model of support for the decisionmaking process, while organizing dredging works in the ports |
Energies |
2021 |
Grzegorz Rutkowski |
Optymalizacja prędkości eksploatacyjnej statku szacowanej w kontekście ryzyka występującego na różnych etapach podróży |
Uniwersytet Morski w Gdyni |
2021 |
Małgorzata Błaszczyk, Jacek A. Jania, Michał Ciepły, Mariusz Grabiec, Dariusz Ignatiuk, Leszek Kolondra, Aleksandra Kruss, Bartłomiej Luks, Mateusz Moskalik, Tadeusz Pastusiak, Agnieszka Strzelewicz, Waldemar Walczowski, Tomasz Wawrzyniak |
Factors controlling terminus position of Hansbreen, a tidewater glacier in Svalbard |
Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface |
2021 |
Nicoleta Aldea, Piotr Kopacz |
Time-extremal navigation in arbitrary winds on conformally flat Riemannian manifolds |
Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications |
2021 |
Piotr Kopacz, Nicoleta Aldea |
Generalized loxodromes with application to time-optimal navigation in arbitrary wind |
Journal of the Franklin Institute |
2021 |
Marta Szafrańska, Mateusz Gil, Jarosław Nowak |
Toward monitoring and estimating the size of the HFO-contaminated seabed around a shipwreck using MBES backscatter data |
2021 |
Grzegorz Rutkowski |
Analysis of a practical method for estimating the ship's best possible speed when passing under bridges or other suspended obstacles |
2021 |
Mateusz Gil |
A concept of critical safety area applicable for an obstacle-avoidance process for manned and autonomous ships |
Reliability Engineering and System Safety |
2021 |
Rafal Szlapczynski, Joanna Szłapczyńska |
A ship domain-based model of collision risk for near-miss detection and Collision Alert Systems |
Reliability Engineering and System Safety |
2021 |
Krzysztof Wróbel |
Searching for the origins of the myth: 80% human error impact on maritime safety |
Reliability Engineering and System Safety |
2021 |
Grzegorz Rutkowski, Jarosław Korzeb |
Occupational noise on floating storage and offloading vessels (FSO) |
2021 |
Agnieszka Blokus, Przemysław Dziula |
Relations of imperfect repairs to critical infrastructure maintenance costs |
Sustainability |
2021 |
Tomasz Neumann |
The impact of carsharing on transport in the city. Case study of Tri-City in Poland |
Sustainability |
2021 |
Rafal Szlapczynski, Joanna Szłapczyńska |
W-dominance: tradeoff-inspired dominance relation for preference-based evolutionary multi-objective optimization |
Swarm and Evolutionary Computation |
2021 |
Adam Weintrit, Jacek Pietraszkiewicz, Wiesław Piotrzkowski, Wojciech Tycholiz |
E-Navigating in highly-constrained waters: a case study of the Vistula Lagoon |
The Journal of Navigation |
2021 |
Nicoleta Aldea, Piotr Kopacz |
On generalised single-heading navigation |
The Journal of Navigation |
2021 |
M. Jurczyński, Grzegorz Rutkowski |
Analysis of maritime accidents in the context of demand for MoB MEDS the Mobile Base of the Marine Emergency Diving Service |
TransNav - The International Journal on Marine Navigation and Safety of Sea Transportation |
2021 |
Jarosław Soliwoda, Adam Kaizer, Tomasz Neumann |
Possibility of capsizing of a dredger during towing |
Water |
2021 |
Nicoleta Aldea, Piotr Kopacz |
Time-optimal navigation in arbitrary winds |
Annual Reviews in Control |
2020 |
Tadeusz Pastusiak |
Voyages on the Northern Sea Route |
Springer |
2020 |
Mateusz Gil, Jakub Montewka, Przemysław Krata, Spyros Hirdaris, Tomasz Hinz |
Semi-dynamic ship domain in the encounter situation of two vessels |
Developments in the collision and grounding of ships and offshore structures : Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Collision and Grounding of Ships and Offshore Structures (ICCGS 2019), Lisbon, Portugal, 21-23 October 2019 |
2020 |
Mirosław Jurdziński |
Procesy nawigacyjne w żegludze oceanicznej |
Uniwersytet Morski w Gdyni |
2020 |
Adam Weintrit |
Initial description of pilotage and tug services in the context of e-Navigation |
Journal of Marine Science and Engineering |
2020 |
Agnieszka Blokus, Przemysław Dziula |
Reliability analysis of different configurations of master and back-up systems used in maritime navigation |
Journal of Marine Science and Engineering |
2020 |
Cunlong Fan, Krzysztof Wróbel, Jakub Montewka, Mateusz Gil, Chengpeng Wan, Di Zhang |
A framework to identify factors influencing navigational risk for Maritime Autonomous Surface Ships |
2020 |
Mateusz Gil, Jakub Montewka, Przemysław Krata, Tomasz Hinz, Spyros Hirdaris |
Determination of the dynamic critical maneuvering area in an encounter between two vessels: Operation with negligible environmental disruption |
2020 |
Jakub Montewka, Mateusz Gil, Krzysztof Wróbel |
Discussion on the article by Zhang & Meng entitled "Probabilistic ship domain with applications to ship collision risk assessment [Ocean Eng. 186 (2019) 106130] |
2020 |
Grzegorz Rutkowski |
Determining the best possible speed of the ship in shallow waters estimated based on the adopted model for calculation of the ship's domain depth |
Polish Maritime Research |
2020 |
Roberto Vettor, Joanna Szłapczyńska, Rafal Szlapczynski, Wojciech Tycholiz, Carlos Guedes Soares |
Towards improving optimised ship weather routing |
Polish Maritime Research |
2020 |
Renato Filjar, Adam Weintrit, Teodor B Iliev, Goran Malčić, Oliver Jukić, Nenad Sikirica |
Predictive model of total electron content during moderately disturbed geomagnetic conditions for GNSS positioning performance improvement |
Proceedings of 2020 23rd International Conference on Information Fusion : (FUSION 2020) |
2020 |
Adam Weintrit, Paweł Zalewski |
A critical analysis of the IMO description of maritime services in the context of e-navigation |
Research and the Future of Telematics : 20th International Conference on Transport System Telematics, TST 2020 Kraków, Poland, October 27 - 30, 2020 : selected papers |
2020 |
Grzegorz Rutkowski |
Ustalenie optymalnej bezpiecznej prędkości statku : optymalna bezpieczna prędkość statku |
Wydawnictwo Bezkresy Wiedzy |
2020 |
Mateusz Gil, Krzysztof Wróbel, Jakub Montewka, Floris Goerlandt |
A bibliometric analysis and systematic review of shipboard Decision Support Systems for accident prevention |
2020 |
Krzysztof Wróbel, Jakub Montewka |
Comments to the article by Ramos et al. 'Collision avoidance on maritime autonomous surface ships: Operators' tasks and human failure events' (Safety Science Vol. 116, July 2019, pp. 33-44) |
2020 |
Krzysztof Wróbel, Mateusz Gil, Jakub Montewka |
Identifying research directions of a remotely-controlled merchant ship by revisiting her system-theoretic safety control structure |
2020 |
Grzegorz Rutkowski |
Practical aspects of using radar in maritime navigation with analysis of its potential errors and limitations |
Scientific Journal of Gdynia Maritime University |
2020 |
Agnieszka Blokus, Przemysław Dziula |
Reliability and availability analysis of critical infrastructure composed of dependent systems |
Theory and Applications of Dependable Computer Systems : proceedings of the Fifteenth International Conference on Dependability of Computer Systems DepCoS-RELCOMEX, June 29 - July 3, 2020, Brunów, Poland |
2020 |
Mirosław Jurdziński |
An approach to effective model of radar training |
TransNav - The International Journal on Marine Navigation and Safety of Sea Transportation |
2020 |
Kamil Formela |
Assessment of the waterway variant at the design stage in multiple-criteria approach |
TransNav - The International Journal on Marine Navigation and Safety of Sea Transportation |
2020 |
Ryszard Wawruch |
Comparative analysis of the usefulness of AIS and ARPA for anti-collision purposes |
TransNav - The International Journal on Marine Navigation and Safety of Sea Transportation |
2020 |
Tadeusz Pastusiak |
Hydrology of tidal waters at the glacier terminus and their impact on hydrographical surveys and navigation safety |
TransNav - The International Journal on Marine Navigation and Safety of Sea Transportation |
2020 |
Tadeusz Pastusiak |
Navigating a vessel without an ice class on the NSR close to the front of ice-free zone during ice melting period |
TransNav - The International Journal on Marine Navigation and Safety of Sea Transportation |
2020 |
Mirosław Jurdziński |
Processes of a freely drifting vessel |
TransNav - The International Journal on Marine Navigation and Safety of Sea Transportation |
2020 |
Tadeusz Stupak, S. Świerczyński, M. Wąż |
Radar observation of wind farms in various weather conditions |
TransNav - The International Journal on Marine Navigation and Safety of Sea Transportation |
2020 |
M. Dziewicki, J. Młotkowski, Tadeusz Stupak |
Signal research for alternative Baltic navigation system |
TransNav - The International Journal on Marine Navigation and Safety of Sea Transportation |
2020 |
Mirosław Jurdziński |
The need to update the navigation curriculum as a consequence of adoption the e-navigation model |
TransNav - The International Journal on Marine Navigation and Safety of Sea Transportation |
2020 |
Tomasz Neumann |
The single-board computer as a toll to measure the weather parameters in the marine areas |
TransNav - The International Journal on Marine Navigation and Safety of Sea Transportation |
2020 |
Krzysztof Wróbel, Adam Weintrit |
With regard to the autonomy in maritime operations - hydrography and shipping, interlinked |
TransNav - The International Journal on Marine Navigation and Safety of Sea Transportation |
2020 |